April 12, 2020
request - server responds - domContentLoaded - load
- Choose the metrics
2.1 Is there content?
Time to First Byte
a) Time from when the browser requests a page to the first bye of the page being received
b) Value = time to establish connection + 2*time to transmission + time for server respond
First Paint
a) time when the first pixel is painted on the screen
b) value greater than TTFB, somewhere after domContentLoaded
First Contentful Paint
a) time when the first piece of content from the DOM is rendered
2.2 is the content meaningful?
Largest Contentful Paint
a) successor to FMP, measures the time when the largest piece fo content whithin the viewport is rendered
b) better than FMP
Visually Complete
a) time taken for the content within the viewport to be fully rendered
b) longer than LCP
Speed Index
a) score of how quickly visual content is rendered within the viewport
2.3 is the content interactable?
First Input Delay
a) delay between the time a user can attempt to interact with a part fo the site, and the time that the interface is able to respond to that interaction
Max Potential First Input Delay
a) maximum possible First Input Delay based on the duration of the longest task
Total Blocking Time
a) total duration of JavaScript tasks between the First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive
Time to Interactive
a) time when the. main thread has had up to 5sec with no network activitiy or JavaScript tasks
2.4 Are interactions smooth?
Cumulative Layout Shift
a) shifts in layout while a page is loading
Frame Rate
a) rate at which the browser can produce new frames in response to interactions and/or animations
2.5 Example
e.g. News Website
- is there content? First Contentful Paint
- is the content meaningful? Largest Contentful Paint, Speed Index
- is the content intractable? Time to Interactive
- Are the interactions smooth? Cumulative Layout Shift
- Define a budget
- a performance budget defines specific values to your metrics that your site should never exceed.
e.g. News Website
- FCP < 1.5s
- LCP < 2s
- SI < 0.43
- TTI < 4s
- CLS<0.1
OR use competitors as a guide/baseline
- Start measuring
- Lighthouse
- Calibre