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June 17, 2020

前端知识复习 code snippet

Function.prototype.bind 标准

When the bind method is called with argument thisArg and zero or more args, it performs the following steps:

  1. Let Target be the this value.
  2. If IsCallable(Target) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let F be ? BoundFunctionCreate(Target, thisArg, args).
  4. Let L be 0.
  5. Let targetHasLength be ? HasOwnProperty(Target, "length").
  6. If targetHasLength is true, then a. Let targetLen be ? Get(Target, "length"). b. If Type(targetLen) is Number, then

    • If targetLen is +∞𝔽, set L to +∞.
    • Else if targetLen is -∞𝔽, set L to 0.
    • Else,

      • Let targetLenAsInt be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(targetLen).
      • Assert: targetLenAsInt is finite.
      • Let argCount be the number of elements in args.
      • Set L to max(targetLenAsInt - argCount, 0).
  7. Perform ! SetFunctionLength(F, L).
  8. Let targetName be ? Get(Target, "name").
  9. If Type(targetName) is not String, set targetName to the empty String.
  10. Perform SetFunctionName(F, targetName, "bound").
  11. Return F.


function myBind(thisArg,...args){
    var target = this;
        throw new Type Error(target+'.bind is not a function')

    var bound = function () {};
    var fBound = function () {
        var bindArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

        if (this instanceof bound) {
            // constructor
            var result = target.apply(this, args.concat(bindArgs));
                // constructor call returns a object
                return result;
            // returns an instance
            return this;
        } else {
            // ordinary function call
            return target.apply(thisArg, args.concat(bindArgs));
    // keep prototype chain
    bound.prototype = target.prototype;
    fBound.prototype = new bound();
    return fBound;

function isCallable(obj){
    return typeof obj === 'function';